
A modern Contact center for Companies

Incoming calls are answered 24/7 - no call is lost

 Office VOIP phone

◉ Company greeting and interactive voice menu with preferred text (IVR) for incoming calls. Multi-channel telephone number - with the function of automatic forwarding to internal numbers. The number will never be busy.

◉ Combining the contact number for multiple business offices and branches without territory limitations.

◉ The function of redirecting to another number of incoming calls automatically (according to the desired schedule).

◉ conference calls – to talk simultaneously with several abonents of any network.

◉ Office number in your phone. IP phones can be transferred through the mobile application.

◉ an individual tariff system on local and international calls.

 Call Center system 

◉ A virtual PBX equipped with modern functions will organize your internal corporate communication and improve the quality of service at minimal cost. No need to buy an expensive phone station and equipment. 

◉ Waiting and queuing mode for customers with melody - Voicemail mode for non-working hours.

 Business portal: statistics / analytics / reports / call monitoring / detailed statistical information about calls.

◉ Operator management system - active call monitoring in real time.

◉ Missed call registration and Callback widget  on website.

◉ Courier solution - communication with the customer through a single office number from any location.

◉ Auto-informer / Auto Dialer - making dozens of simultaneous calls in order to provide the desired information to the user (promotions, news, debt and others)

◉ Queue system for incoming calls - analytics / monitoring of call queues

  Audio file generation

◉ Rated evaluation telephone System

✉️ SMS service and Marketing technologies

◉ Informational and marketing SMS service

◉ Low rates for sending bulk advertising SMS

◉ Independent controllable interface

◉ Sending messages in the Viber application (with unlimited characters and accompanied by the company logo)

֍  Call tracking

◉ Call tracking is a technology that defines the advertising source of the call. Due to call tracking, the marketer knows exactly the effectiveness of a particular campaign and correctly allocates the advertising budget.

 Additional services

◉ See additional services